Monday 27 March 2017

New Double Page Spread Plan

After trying to construct my magazine double page spread, I decided to change the layout and images used as they didn't allow me to make my magazine look as professional and as easy to read as I had hoped. The text was difficult to read over the black and white background of my original photo so I've decided to change the main image and separate it to have it on only one side of the spread with the text on the other with a white background. My main image will stand out and not have any text over the model and my main cover line will be at the top of the page with a pull quote in the middle of the text to break up the amount of writing to make it more appealing to the reader. I believe that by keeping the main image and main article separate on the page will make it look more aesthetically pleasing and enable the audience to want to read it and be interested by its contents. By organising my page like this I am still being consistent with the conventions yet still adding unique aspects to the spread that'll attract my target audience who are looking for something different and new to read.

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