Wednesday 22 March 2017

Inspiration: Contents Page

By researching contents pages for indie rock magazines, I found they usually have a white background with images and text on top in a neat arrangement. The text is in columns with subheadings to give the information a structure.

Image result for indie rock contents pages      Image result for kerrang contents pages      Image result for music magazine contents pages nme

Some of the aspects I like about these contents pages are that you can clearly see the main image and there are other smaller images to break up the text and give the page more visual features which i think looks more appealing. I like the subscription box in the corner as it is informative and how all the text stands out and is all easy to read. The pages have a lot of information on them but don't look too cramped or cluttered with unnecessary material which is something I think looks good about the layout of these pages. The photos are labelled with page numbers to make them relevant to the rest of the magazine and I like how there are references to more articles in the magazine.

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