Friday 24 March 2017

Hand Drawn Drafts of Magazine


Here are my hand drawn drafts for my magazine, when designing it I tried to comply to as many conventions as I could that I thought would be necessary to include. I sketched a representative shape of a person so I could position my cover lines and other aspects around it to see what would fit and look best. I overlapped the main cover lines over the main images on the front cover and double page spreads to show their importance to the image. I've included puffs to grasp the attention of the reader to encourage them to read the magazine and included the names of bands on the front cover to appeal their fans which would hopefully gain their interest in my product. My contents page is split up into sections to break up the information and allow it to be navigated easily and inform the readers effectively on what would be included. I plan to use various imaged and perhaps add a subscription box to the the bottom of the page if I feel it would improve the look of the page and make it look more professional. I tried to keep an even ratio of images and text to keep it interesting and not overwhelm the reader with information that may put them off. I wanted the main image on my double page spread to take up the whole space with everything else overlapped on top to show it is all linked and relevant to this image. I'll include smaller images around the page to add other aspects to look at and use a pull quote to interest the reader with the main article. I plan for most of the text to be written on the left hand side of the spread and the model to be on the right side. I'm keeping the colour scheme consistent throughout these pages as well as the font, style of photos and mode of address to keep it fluent and connected which would appeal to the audience and make it look aesthetically pleasing.

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