Wednesday 22 March 2017

Inspiration: Front Cover

After researching many different types of music magazine front covers, I noticed that many of them use a plain background of black or white which helps draw the attention to cover lines and the main image without having distractions from the important features of the cover. They also use multiple puffs and the main cover line often overlaps the main image.

Image result for indie rock magazines     Image result for indie rock magazines     Image result for indie rock magazines

I like that two of these covers use a colour scheme of red, white and black as it proves I have chosen an appropriate scheme for my own magazine and it shows it works well with professional magazines of similar genres. The words are written clearly and are in capital letters which makes them easy to read and draws the eye. The cover lines are written around the shape of the model which makes it look neat and well designed and all of these models are using direct address which engages the viewer. I will try to incorporate these aspects into my own magazine because I think they make it look refined and aesthetically pleasing, therefore successful.

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