Thursday 27 April 2017

Improvements to my Final Product

After receiving some feedback on my final products, I decided to make some last minute changes to improve the final outcome. Here's what I changed:

Front Cover
I added a strap line to the top of the page so my magazine would follow more conventions thus looking more professional. It informs the reader that there are free posters included in the issue and tells them what they are of to encourage them to buy the magazine if they’re fans of this band. The buzz word, 'free' would attract my target audience and make them believe they're getting more value for their money. I made the puff on the right more specific by including a band name to draw in the attention of their fans which appeals to my target audience. The band name is in red so it grasps the reader’s attention and isn't overlooked. The black strips beneath the main cover line looked harsh so I adjusted the opacity to allow it to blend into the page and look more aesthetically pleasing to read whilst still enabling the cover line to look bold in comparison to everything else on the page. I changed the text in the puff on the left to inform the reader about the awards hosted by the magazine to give Voltage more of an identity and advertise its success to make it appear more attractive and successful. I moved the puff down slightly to make space for an additional cover line to make the magazine seem fuller and contain lots of interesting information. I edited every other line of text in the section below 'articles with' to differentiate them and make them stand out without all going unnoticed together. By making some of these bold I think it would attract the eye of the reader more effectively and therefore appeal to the viewers. I also made the web address at the bottom of the page red and larger so it is more noticeable.

Contents Page
I added a stroke to the sub headings so they are more noticeable and eye catching. I also made the features section larger to fill up the white space and add everything else included in the magazine here so it is all together and easier to find. I aligned the page numbers and lines of text to make it appear neater and visually attractive as well as giving off a more professional impression. I then updated the subscription image to be consistent with the changes made with the front cover.

Double Page Spread
On my double page spread, I added another pull quote overlapping the smaller image in the bottom left corner of the spread to attract the viewer even more by encouraging them to engage with the article. I also made this photo slightly smaller so it is evenly set between each column of text and corrected and spelling mistakes I had made to avoid small errors. I aligned the text of the left regarding the tour dates to make it look structured and neater which I believe makes the page look more professional and attractive. Additionally, I included the year next to the tour dates title to inform the reader exactly when the gigs are happening and make my magazine more informative.

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Improvements to my Final Product

After receiving some feedback on my final products, I decided to make some last minute changes to improve the final outcome. Here...